Monday, June 22, 2009

Summer Heat

I guess that I am on a monthly blog schedule since it's been that long that I last posted. I just returned from camp with my son Harrison and I guess you could say that it drained me. I'm not used to being out for a week in the extreme heat. My luck prevails in that it was 95 degrees everyday and the heat index was 105. I can't catch a break at that camp...example: the last time I was on the staff at the camp was 1992. I was 21 and finally able to lodge in a cabin. That meant air conditioning. I worked hard on the cabin in preparation of my 6 week stay by installing a window unit and a make shift insulation. It doesn't sound like much but a window unit in a cabin that measures 8 x 8 could be frigid. I couldn't wait. I moved in and low and behold...the dang temperature NEVER reached 80 for the entire month of June 1992. Wow.

Anyway, I had a blast and Harrison did too. he has the opportunity to earn 8 merit badges and hopefully he will. The only complaint that I have - it's over. I will post pictures later.

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