Sunday, March 22, 2009

What a weekend! It started off on Friday night with our Friends Libby and Sid coming to town to eat dinner at our favorite restaurant - Nick's in the Sticks. Dinner went well until right up to the end when my bowels started to tell me that I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I promptly told the group that I HAD to go before I crapped myself in front of 150 people. I tore out of there and went to my office (the closest place). They met me there. I avoided what seemed to be a night ruining mishap - closely, I might add. Well we decided to go visit Innisfree since it was new and none of us had been there. That's where Derek and his new ride showed up. We visited for a while (30 minutes tops) until Libby and Sid had to go home. I have to say that it was a good night - no better time than time spent with Friends. It would have made it better if Heather could have been there - she always seems to be the life of the party. I am NOT saying that the rest of us aren't the life but she's always laughing and smiling. Saturday started off as usual, coffee and working at Camp. We got a lot done for a small workday and really I can't think of anything else to say other than the concrete top we installed weighed a ton and my back paid for it. I am not as young as I think I am. Sunday was good. I have spent the majority of the day with Jessica and the cat hasn't been his normal evil self. I guess all-in-all it was a very good weekend. Now I am about to watch Hancock until Brothers and Sisters starts!

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